Proudly South African was established in 2001, born out of the 1998 Presidential Job Summit which was convened by the late former President Nelson Mandela. The country’s official buy local advocacy campaign is aligned to the government’s objective of combatting the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and above all, unemployment.
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Proudly South African was established in 2001, born out of the 1998 Presidential Job Summit which was convened by the late former President Nelson Mandela. The country’s official buy local advocacy campaign is aligned to the government’s objective of combatting the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and above all, unemployment.

Proudly South African is a membership based organisation, and only companies that have been audited and approved are entitled to carry the logo, which is a sign that a product or service meets local content thresholds and above all, quality standards.

Proudly South African works with the public and private sectors to promote increased levels of local procurement through supply chain structures, and with consumers to change habits of every day store and online purchases.

Proudly South African’s clarion call is Buy Local to Create Jobs.


Proudly South African seeks to influence local procurement in the public and private sectors, to increase local production and to influence consumers to buy local in order to stimulate job creation. This is in line with government's plans to revive South Africa’s economy so that millions of jobs can be created and unemployment can be reduced. The work of Proudly South African aligns with the broader National Development Plan and the Local Procurement Accord signed in October 2011.


At least 50% of the cost of production must be incurred in South Africa and there must be "substantial transformation" of any imported material.


The product or service must be of a proven high quality for example, it must be ISO accredited or have a certificate of any other accreditation organisation.


The company must comply with the current labour legislation and adhere to fair labour practices.


The Business/ enterprise must comply with environmental legislature and adhere to production processes that are environmentally friendly and acceptable. This shall include recycling methods, waste management, carbon footprint reduction, etc.

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