Our Mandate

Our Mandate

Proudly South African, the country’s national buy local campaign, seeks to influence local procurement in the public and private sectors and to influence consumers to buy local, thereby stimulating local production and manufacturing which in turn leads to job creation.
Formed through NEDLAC, Proudly South African fits hand-in-glove with the broader national developmental agenda and the Local Procurement Accord signed in October 2011.

Proudly SA focus areas

  • Preferential procurement education: public sector
  • Consumer education: private sector/ corporate
  • Consumer education: general public
  • Database of local products and services

Ready to become a member?


At least 50% of the cost of production must be incurred in South Africa and there must be a "substantial transformation" of any imported material.


The product or service must be of a proven high quality for example, it must be ISO accredited or have a certificate of any other accreditation organisation.


The company must comply with the current labour legislation and adhere to fair labour practices.


The Business/ enterprise must comply with environmental legislature and adhere to production processes that are environmentally friendly and acceptable. This shall include recycling methods, waste management, carbon footprint reduction, etc.

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